The Network

Founded in 2009, CDAC Network is the global alliance of many of the world’s biggest humanitarian and media development organisations prioritising communication, community engagement and accountability to affected people.

Our members include media development, UN agencies, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, NGOs and specialist communications entities. Together, we are determined to enable and support dialogue with and between communities and those responsible for longer-term humanitarian and development nexus commitments, government and non-governmental.

In 2022–2027, CDAC will double down on its intent to reverse the focus of humanitarian and development decision-making, moving from global to local. We will continue to leverage the strength and diversity of our membership to advocate for affected populations to have the tools and pathways they need for a more localised and responsive humanitarian aid system.

Our vision is that communities will have the information and resources they need to determine their own solutions and be central stakeholders in humanitarian and development decision-making.

What we do